To apply for this opportunity, your agency must be registered and you must be an Agency Power User to access the Apply button. Once GEMS generates a response template, the Agency Power User can delegate response permissions to other agency users.

Solicitation (Request for Information)
COVID Health Equity Project Funding and Technical Assistance

Solicitation (Request for Information)
COVID Health Equity Project Funding and Technical Assistance

Department of Health
Public Health
State of Alaska - Department of Health and Social Services Seal
Request for Information
COVID Health Equity Project Funding and Technical Assistance
For FY 2022
Grants and Contracts

NOTICE:  Proposals will ONLY be accepted through GEMS. Applicants are responsible for reviewing the GEMS homepage at for details regarding agency registration and availability of technical assistance. Log into GEMS through myAlaska,, to begin the application process. Once you are logged into GEMS, guidance and instruction are available in the Documents tab and from the film strip icon. Applicants are responsible for monitoring GEMS or the State Online Public Notices site for any changes or amendments that may be issued regarding this solicitation.

Relay Alaska provides assisted communication services at 711 or 1-800-770-8973 from a TTY phone, and at 1-800-770-8255 from a voice phone.

Proposal due date: March 30, 2022, 3:59 PM
This solicitation type does not have a deadline for written inquiries.
Project Period Begins: March 01, 2022
PHONE: (907)465-1624

Table of Contents

Online Posting Summary

The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, seeks information from eligible applicants to provide services through the COVID Health Equity Project Funding and Technical Assistance Program.


Amendment 1: Answers to Submitted Questions3/10/2022


Amendment to answer submitted questions.

Amendment Text:

Amendment to answer submitted questions, please see attachments.

Amendment 2: Proposal Due Date Extended3/16/2022


This amendment extends the proposal due date to March 30, 2022.

Amendment Text:

This amendment extends the proposal due date to March 30, 2022.

Section 1 - Request for Information


This Request for Information (RFI) will evaluate the level of interest in providing grant program services. If responses from eligible applicants do not exceed the available program resources, the division may issue a Non-Competitive Request for Proposals to eligible respondent(s). If responses exceed the available program resources, a competitive Request for Proposals may be issued. This RFI may be withdrawn and any further solicitation for services cancelled at the discretion of the Division of Public Health.

Section 2 - Grant Program Information

2.01Introduction and Program Description

The Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS or Department), the Division of Public Health (Division of DPH), is requesting information from eligible applicants who are interested in providing COVID Health Equity Project Funding and Technical Assistance services for the State of Alaska. The Division needs to determine whether a limited number of eligible applicants are interested in conducting these services, or if the Division will need to issue a competitive solicitation to identify one or more COVID Healthy and Equitable Communities project funding and technical assistance grantee(s).

Program Services: The purpose of this grant program is to fund applicants to provide subawards and technical assistance to community-based organizations to address COVID-19-related health disparities, reduce gaps, and advance health  by expanding capacity and services to prevent and control COVID-19 infection (or transmission) among populations at higher risk and that are underserved, including racial and ethnic minority groups and people living in rural communities. This project is funded by the Division of Public Health through a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, P.L. 116-260 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2. This funding seeks to provide outreach, technical assistance, and direct funding to community-based organizations who can work towards these goals in Alaska communities.

Program Requirements: Applicants are required to submit a Letter of Commitment which describes how they will meet the requirements outlined in this RFI and must have the ability to implement their proposed project by July 1, 2022.  

  • Applicants must use grant funds primarily to support direct services. Examples of possible services include but are not limited to: expanding existing and/or developing new mitigation and prevention resources and services to reduce COVID-19 related disparities among populations that are at higher risk and  are underserved; increasing/improving data collection and reporting for populations experiencing a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 infection, severe illness, and death; building, leveraging, and expanding infrastructure support for COVID-19 prevention and control among populations that are at higher risk and underserved; and mobilizing partners and collaborators to address root causes related to COVID-19 and other health conditions, and to improve conditions that support health and well-being among populations that are at higher risk and are underserved. Define the scope of projects (e.g., region, topic areas) the applicant can fund, and demonstrate how that scope aligns with the applicant’s current strategic plan and/or funding guidelines. 
  • Specify the applicant’s capacity in terms of the amount of funding or number of subawards the applicant can support. 
  • Commit to using a common application process used by all grantees for subawards under this project. 
  • Provide outreach and technical assistance to community-based organizations to complete the application process.
  • Provide technical assistance to sub awardees throughout the project period to promote long term financial sustainability of funded projects. 
  • Facilitate reporting by sub awardees on performance measures required by the Division of Public Health.
  • Allocate at least 25% of subaward funding to community-based organizations not previously funded by the applicant.

Other Expectations:

This RFI has been developed to solicit Letters of Commitment of interested applicants. All grantees are required to collect and report certain data to satisfy state and federal reporting requirements. Please document your agreement to comply with reporting and data collection requirements. No more than 20% of the total grant award may be used for data collection, performance measures, or performance assessment. 

Applicants must have a minimum of two (2) years of experience providing the services being requested. Ideally applicants will submit evidence of two (2) years of experience providing the proposed services including a list of previous funded community-based organization with their Letter of Commitment as part of the response to this Request for Information (RFI). The Division of Public Health will review all applications to determine that the applicant has conducted the services they are applying to provide for at least two (2) years.

Duration of Grant Program: 3/1/2022 through 6/30/2024

Target Population: The target population for the solicited services  are Alaska community-based organizations who can propose and implement projects that address the goals of this grant funding in Alaska communities.

Service Areas and Communities: The service areas and communities requested for the services solicited include all Alaska Communities.  

2.02Program Funding

Anticipated Total Funding Available: Estimated funding is $13,568,157 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Grant and through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, P.L. 116-260 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2.

Methodology for Allocation of Funds:

Allocation of resources will be based on population and need. 

Section 3 - Submission Requirements/ Criteria for Response


Applicants must be eligible to apply under 7 AAC 78.030 (Eligible Applicants).  Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations; municipalities, Regional Educational Attendance Areas, and other political subdivisions of the state; other State agencies; and Alaska Native entities.

Applicants that fail to meet the minimum responsiveness requirements below will be eliminated from consideration per 7 AAC 78.090(b)(2).

3.02Evaluation Criteria

1. Applicant is eligible per 7 AAC 78.030
Evaluation Criteria Points
a. Applicant is eligible per 7 AAC 78.030.
2. If applying as a non-profit organization, confirm non-profit status is documented.
Evaluation Criteria Points

The agency is listed as a non-profit in good standing on the State’s corporation database, confirmed at and/or


The agency’s current 501(c)3 status is confirmed on the Exempt Organization’s page, accessible at

c. If a non-profit subsidiary of a non-profit corporation, a verifying letter from the parent non-profit agency is uploaded to the applicant's agency GEMS record (under General in the Agency Administration tab). The parent corporation must meet criteria a and/or b.
3. If applying as a Federally recognized tribal entity, confirm the following criteria are met.
Evaluation Criteria Points
a. The applicant is a recognized Alaska Native entity as verified by the Federal Register at If a tribal consortium, all members are recognized Alaska Native entities.
4. In the text box below, provide the estimated annual cost to your agency for providing the services identified in Section 2.01. Identify the targeted population and area to be served.
Evaluation Criteria Points
a. Estimated annual cost to provide services is given and the targeted population is identified.
5. Upload your letter of commitment describing requirements outlined in section 2.01.
Evaluation Criteria Points
a. Letter of commitment is provided.