1.01Introduction and Program Description
The Department of Health, Division of Public Health, is requesting proposals from eligible applicants to provide Statewide Opioid Settlement Grants services for the State of Alaska in FY2025 through FY2027. Program Services are authorized under 7 AAC 78 Grant Programs. Additional governing statutes are AS 44.29.020(a)(17), Duties of the Department. State of Alaska statutes and regulations are accessible at the Department of Law Document Library or through the contact person identified on the cover page of this Request for Proposals (RFP).
The Division of Public Health (DPH) will use opioid settlement funds to support the Statewide Opioid Settlement Grant Program. Funding is to support prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery activities across the state, as allowable and outlined by Attachment A of the final settlement agreement. Please note, this funding is not allowed to backfill existing efforts.
The Division of Public Health expects to award up to three (3) grantees per each of the seven (7) Alaska Public Health Regions, for a total of 21 grantees. Additionally, one (1) statewide grant will be awarded to provide statewide support and offer smaller subgrants (the expectation is a total of $150,000 for subgrants; $10,000-$15,000/subgrant) to organizations who were unable to apply or not awarded funding through this opportunity.
Please review the eight (8) Application Groups listed in the solicitation carefully, as responding to the incorrect solicitation may result in not being funded.
Applicants may apply for their respective Regional Application Group and the Statewide Application Group, if eligible. It is up to the applicant to submit a proposal to the correct Application Group(s). If your agency intends to apply for the statewide grant, apply in the Statewide Application Group. Proposals will be evaluated within their respective application groups. The statewide grantee is not eligible for a regional grant.
1.02Program Goals and Anticipated Outcomes
The proposed project must demonstrate a thorough understanding and support of the grant program goals and outcomes anticipated by the Department.
The goal of this funding is to support opioid remediation efforts that serve Alaskans at highest risk of and impacted most from opioid use disorder through the development, implementation, enhancement or expansion of evidence-based strategies or promising practices to prevent and address the adverse impacts of the overdose epidemic .
At minimum, this funding is expected support coordinated responses and services to communities across Alaska to increase prevention activities and improve availability and access to treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services.
Projects must meet or exceed anticipated minimum outcomes described in this RFP.
1.03Program Services/Activities
Attachment A (named Exhibit E of the National Opioid Settlement) outlines the approved abatement uses. Applicants may request funding for any of the listed services and initiatives, however priority will be given to proposals which most closely align with demonstrated community needs summarized in the proposal.
Applicants are required to select one or more from the following approved abatement use categories:
A. Treat opioid use disorder (OUD)
B. Support people in treatment and recovery
C. Connect people who need help to the help they need (connections to care)
D. Address the needs of the criminal-justice involved persons
E. Address the needs of pregnant of parenting women and their families, including babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome
F. Prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids
G. Prevent misuse of opioids
H. Prevent overdose deaths and other harms (harm reduction)
I. First responders
J. Leadership, planning, and coordination
K. Training
L. Evaluation
Applicants will upload a timeline for the initiation of services and project activities.
Applicant proposals must describe the ways in which the project aligns with program intent. The submitted project proposal will identify agency resources available to the project; describe project activities; and clearly state the project’s anticipated goals, outputs, and outcomes.
This funding cannot be used to backfill existing efforts.
Applicants agree to comply with the following additional program requirements and service standards.
Grantees will be expected to –
- Participate in monthly statewide grantee collaboration calls
- Participate in annual in-person grantee meetings
- Within the first six months, develop an evaluation plan for state grant program coordinator approval
1.04Program Evaluation Requirements and Reporting
Performance Measures
Projects are required to align with program objectives expressing Department priorities and core services. Projects will use performance measures to evaluate progress toward meaningful outcomes, and to initiate data collection and reporting consistent with Department priorities.
The Department Priorities, Core Services, Objectives, and Performance Measures for this program are:
Department Priorities
- Health & Wellness Across the Lifespan
- Health Care Access, Delivery & Value
- Safe & Responsible Individuals, Families & Communities Department
Core Services
- Protect and promote the health of Alaskans.
- Facilitate access to affordable health care for Alaskans.
- Promote personal responsibility and accountable decisions by Alaskans.
- Address the misuse of opioids.
- Treat or mitigate opioid use disorder or related disorders.
- Mitigate other effects of the opioid epidemic.
Performance Measures
- Number of people impacted/reached by grant program activities.
- Additional performance measures will be determined by the strategy and activity proposed
The applicant's proposed evaluation plan will incorporate the performance measures identified above. Applicants can propose additional performance measures for evaluating the project’s progress in achieving results supportive of the program.
Grant Reporting
Required reporting will include:
- Cumulative Fiscal Reports recording overall grant and match expenditures by budget line; and
- Program Reports in the format prescribed by the program.
1.05Target Population and Service Area
Applicants must clearly describe the population targeted by the project, including the area or communities that will be served. Proposals will be evaluated for compatibility with the program’s intended target population identified in this solicitation.
Target Population and Service Areas and Communities: The population and service areas and communities requested for the services solicited are as follows:
One Statewide grantee and up to three grantees from each the seven (7) Alaska Public Health Regions.
- Region 1: Anchorage Municipality
- Region 2: Gulf Coast Region
- Region 3: Interior Region
- Region 4: Mat-Su Region
- Region 5: Northern Region
- Region 6: Southeast Region
- Region 7: Southwest Region
1.06Program Funding
Funds available for this program are anticipated to total $3,300,000.00 per fiscal year (FY).
The Statewide Opioid Settlement Grants will be divided across the seven (7) Alaska Public Health Regions, with up to three (3) grant awards per region at approximately $428,571 per region.
- Region 1: Anchorage Municipality
- Region 2: Gulf Coast Region
- Region 3: Interior Region
- Region 4: Mat-Su Region
- Region 5: Northern Region
- Region 6: Southeast Region
- Region 7: Southwest Region
Additionally, one (1) statewide grant will be available for $300,000. The statewide grantee is required to support statewide efforts in the areas of prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery by providing subgrants to entities not able to apply or not funded through this competitive opportunity or its regional subgrants. The statewide grantee will offer smaller subgrants (smaller subgrants are expected to be in the amount of $10,000-$15,000 each, for a total of $150,000). This grantee is also required to support the grant program evaluation, facilitate collaborative monthly technical assistance meetings for grantees and support the planning and implementation of the annual in-person grantee meeting alongside the Statewide Opioid Settlement Grant Program Manager.
Proposed Budget: The applicant must submit a budget proposal for the first fiscal year of the project. The proposed budget detail and narrative, will support the program's results-based service delivery and staffing requirements stated in this RFP. This funding cannot be used to backfill existing efforts.
Regional Grants
Proposed budget should include the following:
- Minimum of 0.25 FTE to support project implementation and reporting
- Travel for a minimum of one (1) person, including sub-grantees, to Anchorage for an annual grantee meeting
Statewide Grant
- Minimum of 0.25 FTE to support project implementation, including subgrant distribution and reporting
- Travel for a minimum of one (1) person, including sub-grantees , to Anchorage for an annual grantee meeting
The proposed budget will be fully compliant with the limitations described in this RFP, and those detailed in 7 AAC 78.160 (Costs). Regulations are provided under the GEMS Documents tab.
Resources specific to budgeting are also available under the GEMS Documents tab. The Department's Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines provide information and guidance about budget lines, cost detail groupings, and narrative requirements. Grantee User Manual Part I provides detailed instructions for entering a budget proposal in the chapter "Responding to a Solicitation."
Other Agency Funding: Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants are required to list all other agency funding received and applied for. This task must be completed by an Agency Power User in the Other Funding section of the Agency Administration tab. This is part of the pre-award risk assessment required under Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.
Indirect Costs: If the proposed budget includes indirect costs, 7 AAC 78.160(p) requires a copy of the agency's current federally approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. The agreement is to be uploaded in the Agency Administration tab. Lapsed agreements can be used if uploaded with the negotiating federal agency's written approval to continue using the rate until a new agreement is negotiated. If an agency has never entered into a federally approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement or no longer has a federally approved agreement in place, the Federal Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 allows that agency to budget the 10% De Minimis. Effective October 1, 2024, the De Minimis will be increased to 15% and proposed budgets for FY25 may reflect that percentage.
Payment for Services/Grant Income: If applicable to the services proposed in response to this solicitation, awarded grantees will have a Medicaid Provider Number or apply to obtain one, and will make reasonable effort to bill all eligible services to Medicaid and any other available sources of payment before seeking grant support for delivery of the proposed services. Department funds are the payer of last resort.
In the applicant’s proposed budget, anticipated receipts and expenditures for all grant income must be evident in the detail and narrative. Fiscal reports for awarded income generating projects will include the receipts and expenditure of all grant income.