1.01Introduction and Program Description
The Department of Family Community Services, Division of Juvenile Justice, is requesting proposals from eligible applicants within the Fairbanks area to provide Youth Courts/Community Panels services for the State of Alaska in FY2023. Program Services are authorized under 7 AAC 78 Grant Programs. Additional governing statutes are AS 47.14.010(6) and (7); AS 04.16.050(c)(2) and AS 47.12.400. State of Alaska statutes and regulations are accessible at Department of Law Document Library or through the contact person identified on the cover page of this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Youth courts provide for timely and appropriate responses to nonviolent first and second time juvenile misdemeanor offenders, reducing the likelihood of their penetrating further into the juvenile justice system. The grant program will provide continued resources, building the capacity of Alaska's existing youth courts to address juvenile crime at the front end of the services continuum.
1.02Program Goals and Anticipated Outcomes
The proposed project must demonstrate a thorough understanding of, and support the grant program goals and outcomes anticipated by the Department.
The overarching goal of the YCCP program is to promote public safety by encouraging accountability for acts of juvenile delinquency, ultimately improving public safety through increased youth empowerment. The anticipated long-term outcome is a reduction in first and second time misdemeanor offenders penetrating further into the juvenile justice system. Outcome success over the long term will result in a decreased number and percentage of youth who reoffend after participating in the youth court system.
Short-term outcomes include, but are not limited to, improvement in participant attitudes toward the rule of law, an increased awareness of the consequences of illegal actions, and increased personal accountability.
Projects must meet the anticipated outcomes identified in this RFP and as summarized on solicitation Attachment 1, YCCP Logic Model.
1.03Program Services/Activities
Statewide, the program seeks to hold juvenile offenders accountable, as well as to involve adult and youth volunteers. In the community in which it is authorized to operate, the youth court must receive delinquency case referrals in cases alleging law violations committed by juveniles; hear cases, impose and monitor sanctions; and report case outcomes to the referring office or court. Referrals are made by the local DJJ field office, Alaska District Court, and/or schools for school-related disciplinary action. All cases handled by Youth Courts must be in compliance with statutory authority, specifically AS 04.16.050(c) Possession, Control, or Consumption By Persons Under the Age of 21 and AS 47.12.400 Youth Courts.
Applicants will upload a timeline of project activities. Additionally, applicants will upload a timeline for the handling of referrals from intake to closure. Youth courts are charged with providing a timely response to accused offenders, and the submitted timeline should reflect the goal of the applicant court.
Proposals submitted in response to this RFP must contain a detailed plan for services in the last remainder of FY2023.
Applicant proposals must describe the ways in which the project aligns with program intent. The submitted project proposal will identify agency resources available to the project; describe project activities; and clearly state the project’s anticipated goals, outputs, and outcomes. Proposed activities must match those summarized in the Youth Courts Logic Model provided as Attachment 1 to this solicitation.
All proposals must describe required program activities, including:
Recruitment and training of volunteers
Court hearings and debriefing
Completion of participant surveys
Reporting, including data entry in the division's Youth Offender Data Application (YODA)
Applicants agree to comply with the following additional program requirements and service standards.
1.04Program Evaluation Requirements and Reporting
Results Based Budgeting Framework
Results based budgeting provides a framework in which allocated resources support, and are justified by, a set of outputs and expected results. Within this framework, actual performance and achieved outcomes are measured by objective performance measures.
Projects are required to align with program objectives expressing Department priorities and core services. Projects will use performance measures to evaluate progress toward meaningful outcomes, and to initiate data collection and reporting consistent with Department priorities.
The Department Priority, Core Service, Objective and Performance Measures of Effectiveness and Efficiency for this program are:
Department Priority
3 Safe & Responsible Individuals, Families & Communities
Department Core Service
3.3 Promote Personal Responsibility and Accountable Decisions By Alaskans
3.3.2 Increase the Number of Juveniles Who Remain Crime Free
Performance Measures
Effectiveness: Success rate of youth completing program requirements. The measure is the percentage of youth completing Youth Court requirements and remaining crime free in the twelve months following completion of the requirements. DJJ calculates this with completion data provided by the grantee and recidivism data available to the division.
Efficiency: Average cost of services per referral, calculated using information provided by the grantee.
The applicant’s proposed evaluation plan will incorporate the performance measures of effectiveness and efficiency identified above. Applicants can propose additional performance measures for evaluating the project’s progress in achieving results supportive of program goals and outcomes.
The evaluation plan should reflect the applicant's programmatic and administrative capability to meet all reporting requirements described in this targeted RFP.
Grant Reporting
Required reporting will include:
Quarterly Cumulative Fiscal Reports recording overall grant expenditures by budget line; and
Quarterly Program Reports in the format prescribed by the program.
Reporting of case outcomes to the referring office, court, or school district.
The YCCP program will continue collecting fiscal, statistical, and narrative reports through GEMS. Draft copies of the program's two report forms and the participant survey are provided as solicitation Attachments 2, 3, and 4. Final version will be provided at the time award notifications are issued.
Quarterly reporting will include confirmation that the court's YODA data entry is complete. This data is important in demonstrating the effectiveness of youth courts in meeting program objective. Youth Courts receiving Minor Consuming Alcohol case referrals from Alaska District Courts must collect and enter data on case screening, adjudication, disposition, and sentence completion. Data entry will also include youth court volunteer data, with entry of names and dates of birth at a minimum.
1.05Target Population and Service Area
Applicants must clearly describe the population targeted by the project within the Fairbanks area that will be served. Proposals will be evaluated for compatibility with the program’s intended target population identified in this solicitation.
Target Population: The target population for program services requested in this solicitation includes youth under the age of 18 referred for program services.
Service Areas and Communities: Each applicant will provide services to youth referred from within the boundaries of the Fairbanks area in which the court is authorized to operate.
1.06Program Funding
Funds available for this program are anticipated to be $50,000 in General Fund dollars.
Award amounts will be allocated based on each court's demonstrated need as supported by available data, trends in numbers of court referrals received, and each applicant's past performance.
Proposed Budget: The applicant must submit a budget proposal for the fiscal year of the project, state fiscal year 2023. The proposed budget detail and narrative will support the program’s results based service delivery and staffing requirements stated in this targeted RFP.
Proposed FY23 project budgets must include costs for attending the following:
Travel for one (1) individual, either the director or the director's designee, to attend the annual Alaska Youth Court Directors' Meeting to be held in Anchorage.
Travel for three (3) individuals to attend the annual Youth Court Conference, the director or designee and at least two youth members. Although the host youth court has yet to be determined, budget narratives must identify the basis of estimated costs. Once the host court is selected, budgets can be revised as needed.
Costs for director and youth travel are to be budgeted in Travel, with transportation and lodging costs specifically identified in each narrative. Registration costs for the Annual Youth Court Conference are to be budgeted in Other.
If project costs are supplemented with funds in addition to DFCS funds, budget the additional funds in Additional Project Support. Sources and amounts must be stated in the budget narrative. The Match Funds Source table will identify each additional source of funds with the sources correctly identified under the following definitions:
Local Cash: local sources, including local tax receipts, municipal revenue sharing, cash donations
Local In-Kind: donated items of value for which the applicant incurs no cost, including volunteer labor and donations of supplies, equipment, space
Other Sources: government and non-government grant awards, third party receipts, direct receipts such as gaming or sales of goods
Grant Income: earnings anticipated as a result of this project proposal receiving award, including court fees
Travel to national Youth Court-related conferences must be approved by the Program.
The proposed budget will be fully compliant with the limitations described in this RFP, and those detailed in 7 AAC 78.160 (Costs). Regulations are provided under the GEMS Documents tab.
Resources specific to budgeting are also available under the GEMS Documents tab. DFCS Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines provide information and guidance about budget lines, cost detail groupings, and narrative requirements. Detailed instructions for entering a budget proposal are provided in the chapter "Responding to a Solicitation" in Grantee User Manual Part I.
Other Agency Funding: Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants are required to identify all sources of agency funding for the proposed budget period, including grants applied for and received. A record will be created for each source of funds, including those identified as Additional Project Support. This task must be completed by an Agency Power User in the Other Funding section of the Agency Administration tab. Youth Court applicants will include a record for court fees and a record for budget-estimate donations.
Indirect Costs: If the proposed budget includes indirect costs, 7 AAC 78.160(p) requires a copy of the agency’s current federally approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. The agreement is to be uploaded in the Agency Administration tab. Lapsed agreements can be used if uploaded with the negotiating federal agency’s written approval to continue using the rate until a new agreement is negotiated.
Payment for Services/Grant Income: In the applicant’s proposed budget, anticipated receipts and expenditures for all grant income must be evident in the detail and narrative. Fiscal reports for awarded income-generating projects will include the receipts and expenditure of all grant income.